Right Word By Rev. Ramson Asante Darteh
Saturday, 27th October 2018
Reference: John 6:8-10
‘One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes. ...And Jesus said, Make the men sit down...So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.
Jesus was ministering to a multitude in a wilderness. After three days, he realized that they were hungry and instructed the disciples to give them something to eat.
The disciples considered this an incredulous request, since there were neither markets nor shopping malls in the wilderness to get the needed supplies. Besides, the money to pay for such an enterprise was simply not available.
*Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. Vrs. 7
However Andrew chanced upon a lad - a young boy - with a lunch pack containing five pieces of bread and two fishes. He took it off him, and brought them to Jesus; albeit with some cynicism
*‘... but what are they among so many?’ ‘Vrs 9b*
Jesus blessed the meal, and asked that a ‘census’ be taken of those to be fed. There were five thousand men, besides women and children. This even meant the young boy whose ‘meal’ held the key to the solution of the problem was not even considered worthy of being counted.
*Fundraising* π΅ π΅ π΅ π΅
Tomorrow is the day set aside to raise funds in support of our constructional works. Many of us may consider our contributions insignificant and of very little consequence. Yet, just as the five loaves of bread and two fishes became the catalyst for a great miracle, your little contribution, released by faith into the hands of the Master, could be the precursor for ‘a twelve basketful returns'...
*PRAYERS*: Lord, give me the faith of this lad, so l can sow a life altering seed.
*INVITATION*.You are cordially invited to our Main Fundraising Service tomorrow, the 28th of October, from 8:00am to 12:30pm (Single Service)
*ALL NATIONS CHRISTIAN CENTER, Right Place, Right Worship, Right Word*
☎050 128 5794.
☎050 133 6088
Keep winning
Program outline for 31st All Night Service, 31:12:19 1. 8:30- 9:00pm Intercessory & Thanksgiving 2. 9:00- 9:30pm Worship & Praises 3. 9:30- 9:45pm Exaltation ( At most 2-3 leaders) 4. 9:45-10:00pm Solos, Blessing Time 5. 10:00- 10:20pm Testimonies 6. 10:30-11:00pm Worship 7. 11:00- 11:15pm. Breaking Down the Vision - Year of Taking Dominion Ref; Gen: 1:26 8. 11:15-12:mid night Word Ministration 9. 12mid night - 12:30am Cross Over prayers 10. 12:30-12:45am. Choir Mins- 1st Offering of the Year 11. 12:45- 1:30am Anointing Service 12. 1:30-1:45am Announcement/ Welcoming of new souls/ Benediction. Don't miss ❌
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